Welcome, students and new professionals! PSCSW programs for students and recent graduates include our Low Fee Supervision Referral List, Mentoring Program, and Awards for Clinical Excellence. We hope you will take advantage of our programs and that you will join PSCSW if you are not already a member. For your convenience the PSCSW New Membership Application is available online you can download it (PDF) here to print and send..

Our Low Fee Supervision List and information about our Mentoring Program can be obtained on our Members Only Site. The Low Fee Supervision program matches LCSW candidates working in agency or fee-for-service settings with qualified supervisors offering supervision at a fee of $25 per hour or at the lowest rate of the fee-for-service practice.

The Mentoring Program matches members up to three years out of graduate school, or new to our area, with a qualified mentor in their field of interest. The program is designed to help clinical social workers with issues such as professional transition, professional isolation, and career direction and focus; see our Members Only Site. Many recent graduates have greatly benefited from the support of PSCSW senior members through supervision or mentoring.

PSCSW also conducts an awards program for second-year-practice students in Pennsylvania. Students are encouraged to submit clinical case studies in our competition. Prizes include cash awards, Society membership, and a recognition ceremony. Please see the Clinical Awards Program link on our home page for details and instructions or reference this link.

And please see our Licensing Page for information on obtaining the LSW or LCSW!

If you have any questions about how to join PSCSW and get in touch with our student and new professional supports, we would be happy to assist you. Please contact us.

Student Awards Program

The PSCSW Awards for Clinical Excellence

The PSCSW Awards for Clinical Excellence were established by the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work to acknowledge the outstanding clinical work of students. The Awards are presented annually to students who submit a paper for review by distinguished judges. The program is open to all graduating Master of Social Work Students in Pennsylvania. The Awards program is dedicated to four distinguished PSCSW leaders who have provided inspiration for future clinicians:
Patricia Burland, Mary Montague, Judith Kasser, and Anna Wiggins.

The Awards are given to students who demonstrate in their case study the following abilities:

1) To integrate theories of human behavior with practice in clinical social work (Option A),
or (Option B) to integrate theories of organization or advocacy in a social work agency;
2) To explore a client’s problems within a bio-psycho-social content (Option A), or (Option
B) to explore an agency, organization or advocacy group, its mission and effectiveness;
3) To guide practice interventions systematically, based on theoretical understandings that
emerge from the assessment;
4) To understand the meaning of the clinical use of the social work relationship including
the use of self in either a dyadic or group context;
5) To critique one’s work and recognize the need for consultation;
6) To use literature as an appropriate resource;
7) To reflect on the process of clinical social work including team collaboration and
adherence to professional ethics.

Papers will be judged by a panel including professors, supervisors, and experienced
clinicians. Winners will be notified by phone and email over the summer.

The winner of First Prize will be awarded $500.00. The award for Second Prize is
$300.00. The award for Third Prize is $200.00. All winners receive free membership in
PSCSW for one year following graduation.

The winners will be honored at the PSCSW Annual Meeting, which occurs in the fall. The
meeting will be held in the greater Philadelphia area. The professors and supervisors of the
award winners will be invited as guests to the dinner. Winners must be present to receive
their award as the ceremony will celebrate their achievement.

The awards convey significant recognition upon the recipients within the professional
social work community. PSCSW encourages all students to submit papers for

2024 Awards Brochure

Deadline for the 2023 paper submission is May 20, 2024.

For additional questions please contact Merin Wexler at merinwexler411@gmail.com.