Welcome, students and new professionals! PSCSW programs for students and recent graduates include our Low Fee Supervision Referral List, Mentoring Program, and Awards for Clinical Excellence. We hope you will take advantage of our programs and that you will join PSCSW if you are not already a member. For your convenience the PSCSW New Membership Application is available online you can download it (PDF) here to print and send..
Student Awards Program
The PSCSW Awards for Clinical Excellence
The PSCSW Awards for Clinical Excellence were established by the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work to acknowledge the outstanding clinical work of students. The Awards are presented annually to students who submit a paper for review by distinguished judges. The program is open to all graduating Master of Social Work Students in Pennsylvania. The Awards program is dedicated to four distinguished PSCSW leaders who have provided inspiration for future clinicians:
Patricia Burland, Mary Montague, Judith Kasser, and Anna Wiggins.