Archived Newsletter from Autumn 2021


50th Anniversary Event Save the Date, p. 4

Summary of the Event, by Leslie Stickler, p. 5 Flyer & Schedule, p. 6 Registration Form, p. 7 List of Founders, p. 9
Sample of Publications by PSCSW Members, p. 24

About PSCSW’s History Judy Kasser, p. 9
Mary Montague, p. 12
Martha Zehner, p. 13
Joan Pollak, p. 15
Ginny McIntosh, p. 16

Regular Columns
President’s Message, p. 1 Letter from the Editor, p. 3 Focus on Ethics, by
Deborah Shain, p. 19
Consultation Corner, by Keri Cohen, p. 20
Art Matters, by Jessica Honig, p. 22

And Don’t Forget…
Committee Updates, p. 8

President’s Message
Annette Deigh, MSW, LCSW

PSCSW Members,

Welcome to the 50th year of the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work!

During the founding of the PSCSW organization and community, which many of us have embraced as our “professional family,” it was probably difficult to imagine that 50 years later we would be in the midst of a years-long pandemic. Further, our founders probably could not have conceived that many of us would have to serve our clients from behind screens from which we communicate “in real time.” In 50 years’ time, so much has evolved in our larger society. Yet so much also has remained… read more (PDF).