The Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work (PSCSW) was established in 1971 to promote and advance specialization of clinical practice within the social work profession. We are an organization of clinical social workers who practice in a variety of settings including family agencies, mental health clinics, psychiatric hospitals, medical facilities, geriatric settings, schools, and private practice throughout Pennsylvania.

PSCSW Mission Statement
- PSCSW was instrumental in creating licensure for clinical social workers in Pennsylvania.
- PSCSW lobbies actively to continue to protect licensure, as well as providing leadership, clarification and support on legislative and insurance issues that affect your practice in clinical social work.
- PSCSW Code of Ethics: These ethical guidelines are applicable to all Social Workers.
- PSCSW has developed standards for the profession and has produced enriching educational programs, a psychotherapy referral list, a mentorship program, an informative newsletter, and much more. Members share rewarding collegiality.
- PSCSW is a tax-exempt 501(c) 6 organization with a Board of Directors composed of committee chairpersons and member elected officers.
- PSCSW is affiliated with the Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA), a network of clinical social workers across the country. The Association represents and supports the interests of clinical social workers at the national level.
PSCSW’s primary focus is advancing the professional concerns of clinical social workers through:
- Setting standards of practice
- Supporting adherence to a professional code of ethics
- Promoting professional development
- Advocacy on all levels
- Promoting public awareness of clinical social work
- Initiating programs of action for the purpose of achieving and maintaining practice licensure and vendorship
- Providing opportunities for continuing education
- Providing support to new professionals and students
Implementation of these objectives is achieved through:
- Continuing education courses on a variety of clinical topics
- Informal educational discussions in members’ homes
- Yearly dinner meetings, with clinical presentations
- Informative newsletter, The Clinical Voice, and web site
- Membership e-list for the latest information on legislative, insurance, patient privacy, and other clinical, professional, and legislative information
- Membership Directory for professional networking
- Psychotherapy Referral List
- Study groups, peer supervision groups, and mentoring opportunities
- Lobbyists advocating in state assembly hearings on matters of interest to clinical social workers, and keeping members informed where grassroots support is needed
- Awards programs at local graduate schools
PSCSW members have access to consultation in professional ethics and standards of practice. PSCSW offers a reduced-rate subscription for the highly respected Clinical Social Work Journal and offers information about malpractice insurance. If you share our commitment to protecting and promoting the ethical and professional recognition of clinical social workers, we encourage you to join us!
Clinical social work practice is the provision of services for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders in individuals, families, groups and communities.
Clinical social workers have either a master’s or doctorate in social work with a concentration in clinical course work, and a supervised graduate field internship. We share with all social work practitioners a goal of enhancement and maintenance of the physical, psychological and social functioning of individuals, families, and groups. We practice within:
- Mental Health Clinics
- Medical Facilities
- Child Welfare Agencies
- Schools
- Geriatric Settings
- Private Practice
- Industry
Clinical social workers qualify as approved providers in most managed care and insured plans.
PSCSW Board Members
President | Samantha Ruiz, LCSW | Leslie Stickler, MSS, LCSW |
Clinical Social Work Association Liaison | Leslie Stickler, MSS, LCSW |
Vice-President | OPEN |
Past-President | Complete list (pdf) |
Julie Agresta, M.Ed., MLSP, LCSW |
Treasurer | OPEN |
Secretary | Aisha R. Shabazz MSS, MLSP, LCSW |
Members At Large | Dawn M. Amey, LCSW, BCBA |
Jeuri German, LCSW | |
Anna Murphey, LCSW |
PSCSW Committee Chairs and Program Coordinators
Education Committee Co-Chairs* | Linda Brockway, LCSW |
Elizabeth Grecco, MSS, LCSW | |
Governance Committee Chair* | Meg Pope, MSS, LCSW |
Legislative Committee Co-Chairs* | Samantha Ruiz LCSW |
Listserv Moderation Committee Chair | Dawn M. Amey, LCSW, BCBA |
Listserv Violation Ombudsperson | Jeuri German, LCSW |
Membership Committee Chair* | OPEN |
Development of New Professionals Committee Chair* | Nikida Capasso, MSW, LCSW CTSP CCTP CMBSR |
• Clinical Awards Program Coordinator | Merin Wexler, LCSW |
• Low Fee Supervision Program Coordinator | OPEN |
• Mentoring Program Coordinator | Nikida Capasso MSW LCSW CTSP CCTP CMBSR |
• Recent Graduate Support Program Coordinator | OPEN |
Newsletter Committee Chairs* | OPEN |
Nominating Committee Chair* | Julie Agresta, M.Ed., MLSP, LCSW |
Technology Committee Chair* | Ned Hanover, MSW, LCSW |
Professional Seminars Continuing Education Committee Chair* | OPEN |
• Clinical Book Discussion Programs Coordinator | Mary A Harris, LCSW |
• Bucks County Programs Coordinator | OPEN |
• CE Cosponsorship Programs Coordinator | Leda Sportolari, LCSW |
Evening Shinerock, LCSW | |
• Chester County Programs Coordinator
• Coffee & Conversations Programs Coordinator | OPEN |
• Clinical Film Discussion Group Coordinators | OPEN |
• Lancaster County Programs Coordinator | OPEN |
• Post Masters Programs Coordinator | Leda Sportolari, LCSW |
Professional Standards: Ethics & Licensing Committee Chair* | Deborah Shain, MSS, LCSW, BCD |
Sociocultural and Diversity Committee* | OPEN |
Special Interest Committee Chair* | OPEN |
• Agency Practice Subcommittee Coordinator | Renee Cardone, LCSW |
• LGBTQ Subcommittee Coordinator | OPEN |
• Private Practice Subcommittee Coordinator | Kaity Bushinski, LCSW |
• Social Workers of Color (SWOC) Subcommittee Coordinators | Odessa Clarkson, MSW |
Alva Johnson, MSSA, LSW | |
• Social Workers in Healthcare Subcommittee Coordinator | OPEN |
• Supervisors and Managers Coordinator | Monica Gocial, LCSW |
Student Support & Membership Committee Chair* | Aisha R. Shabazz, LCSW, MSS, MLSP |