Get ready for an exciting lineup from PSCSW! We’re thrilled to announce two upcoming events that promise to inspire and engage, along with an encore video recording of Dr. Janina Fisher, Ph.D., on “Understanding Trauma and Suicidality.” These events offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow professionals and enhance your educational credits. By being part of our mailing list, you’ll stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings. Don’t miss out on what we have in store for you!

10/19 – Dr. Janina Fisher Ph.D. – Understanding Trauma and Suicidality

10/29 – Encore: Dr. Janina Fisher Ph.D. Understanding Trauma and Suicidality

11/16 – Linda Thai, LMSW – Bottom-Up Strategies for Working at the Intersection of Trauma and Neurodivergence

Dr. Janina Fisher Ph.D. – Understanding Trauma and Suicidality

Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
(Registration: 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM)
Location: Virtual via Zoom Meeting

Workshop Summary:
In this interactive workshop, Dr. Janina Fisher will explore the relationship between trauma and suicidal behavior. Traumatized children often use their bodies to regulate overwhelming emotions, leading to self-destructive behaviors like cutting, head-banging, or suicidal ideation. These responses are a way of finding “safety” in unsafe behavior, often disconnected from the childhood trauma that originated them.

Dr. Fisher will introduce a new framework for understanding self-harm and suicidality as survival responses that aim to regulate trauma-related states. By recognizing unsafe behaviors as attempts to self-protect and self-soothe, clinicians can shift their approach, leading to reduced client risk and lower therapist stress. This understanding will transform the way therapists engage with suicidal clients, leading to more effective and compassionate care.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

1. Conceptualize trauma responses using an animal defense survival paradigm.

2. Apply cognitive restructuring techniques to help clients understand suicidal impulses.

3. Implement mindfulness-based interventions with suicidal clients.

4. Identify and engage with suicidal parts of clients without over-identifying with them.

Detailed Schedule:

– 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Registration

– 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM: Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma

– 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Suicidality and Trauma-Related Triggers

– 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM: Survival Defense Responses to Trauma

– 1:45 PM – 2:00 PM: Break

– 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM: Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Suicidality

– 2:45 PM – 3:00 PM: Q&A

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Janina Fisher is a licensed clinical psychologist and former instructor at Harvard Medical School. Internationally recognized for her expertise in trauma treatment, she is an Executive Board member of the Trauma Research Foundation and a Patron of the John Bowlby Centre. She is the author of *Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation* (2017), *Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: A Workbook for Survivors and Therapists* (2021), and *The Living Legacy Instructional Flip Chart* (2022). Dr. Fisher is known for her Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) model, which is taught worldwide.

Continuing Education Credits:

FOR PENNSYLVANIA SOCIAL WORKERS, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS, AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS: This program is approved for credits for professional workshops sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work, a state affiliate of the Clinical Social Work Association listed in Section 47.36 of Title 49, Chapter 47 of the PA Code, State Board of Social Work Examiners. This program is also approved for 3 credits for professional workshops for marriage & family therapists (Section 48.36) and professional counselors (Section 49.36).

FOR NEW JERSEY SOCIAL WORKERS: This program is approved for 3 clinical credits. Attendance at programs or courses given at state and national social work association conferences, where the criteria for membership is an academic degree in social work, are a valid source of continuing education credit (N.J.A.C. 13:44G-6.4(c)4).

Workshop Fees (including CE Certificate):

EXPIRED (see late registration, below)

– Members: $70

– Non-Members: $85

– Student Members: $20

– Student Non-Members: $30

Late Registration (after October 1, 2024):

– Members: $80

– Non-Members: $95

– Student Members: $25

– Student Non-Members: $35

Registration Information:

If you need to cancel, refunds (minus a $15 administrative fee) will be issued up to the program date.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact Lauren Montemuro at or 610-662-9104.


Encore: Dr. Janina Fisher Ph.D. Understanding Trauma and Suicidality

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 6:00PM – 9:00 PM
(Registration: 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM)
Location: Virtual via Zoom Meeting

Linda Thai, LMSW – Bottom-Up Strategies for Working at the Intersection of Trauma and Neurodivergence

Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
(Registration: 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM)
Location: Virtual via Zoom Meeting

This interactive workshop is designed for social workers and other therapists who wish to enhance their knowledge of working with bottom-up strategies to support their clients with histories of complex developmental trauma who may/may not identify as neurodivergent.

We will start with the impact of acute and chronic perceptions of threat on the nervous system. We’ll look at how the psyche adapts to create future-oriented survival strategies that guide responses in the present, how that turns into autonomic nervous system dysregulation, and how it can present in various DSM diagnoses. You’ll gain a perspective that depathologizes and destigmatizes the symptoms and experiences of clients so you can reframe the ways in which nervous system dysregulation may be expressed as mental health symptoms.

We will then pivot towards numerous, simple, effective, practical ways to apply this knowledge to bring stabilization, resourcing and regulation – for yourself as well as for your clients.

The second segment of this course will cover the five common sensory systems and the three hidden sensory systems. We’ll discuss sensory differences and preferences, Sensory Processing Disorder, and the confluence between sensory system differences, ADHD, Autism and complex developmental trauma. You’ll have a working knowledge of sensory differences,the intersection of trauma responses, and innate differences in neuro-processing.

Participants will be able to
● Identify eight physiological responses to perceived overwhelming distress
● Distinguish between reactive survival-oriented responses and proactive preventative survivaloriented responses
● Identify ten holistic causes of stress, anxiety and depression
● Identify one effective client-friendly metaphorto illustrate how trauma triggers become encoded into the brain
● Identify at least eight DSM diagnoses that correlate with various expressions of autonomic nervous system dysregulation
● Identify the five main sensory systems and the three hidden sensory system
● Identify at least three expressions of sensory seeking and of sensory avoidance for each ofthe sensory systems
● Identify at least three strategies for sensory seekers and for sensory avoiders for each of the sensory systems
● Identify the areas of clinical nuance and complexity when it comes of the confluence of Sensory Processing Differences, ADHD, Autism and complex developmental trauma

FOR PENNSYLVANIA SOCIAL WORKERS, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS, AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS: This program is approved for credits for professional workshops sponsored by the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work, a state affiliate of the Clinical Social Work Association listed in Section 47.36 of Title 49, Chapter 47 of the PA Code, State Board of Social Work Examiners. This program is also approved for 3 credits for professional workshops for marriage & family therapists (Section 48.36) and professional counselors (Section 49.36).

FOR NEW JERSEY SOCIAL WORKERS: This program is approved for 3 clinical credits. Attendance at programs or courses given at state and national social work association conferences, where the criteria for membership is an academic degree in social work, are a valid source of continuing education credit (N.J.A.C.13:44G-6.4(c)4).

Workshop Fees (including CE Certificate):

Late Registration (after November 1,2024):

Registration Information:
To register for this event, visit If you need to cancel, refunds (minus a$15 administrative fee) will be issued up to the program date.

Contact Information:
For more information, please contact Lauren Montemuro or 610-662-9104