Archived Newsletter from Fall 2020


Message from the Editor, p.1

IN YOUR OWN WORDS: Compassion Fatigue • Hawley, p. 5

Safety and Security • Deshpande, p. 8
• Alison, p. 11
• Twersky, p. 12
• Shain, p. 14

Education Committee • Gunsaullus program TBD, p. 2
• Grecco on Treat, p. 5 • Floresta on Wolf, p. 8 • Connolly on Doka, p. 10

President’s Message
Annette Deigh, MSW, LCSW

Dear PSCSW colleagues,
I write this on the eve of the finding that those
responsible for the death of Breonna Taylor will not
face, for the most part, any repercussions for their
actions. I knew that I needed to get this column
done and, to be honest—with this year of 2020 that
we have all been subjected… read more (PDF).